挑战小组介绍输送链。所有连接板都是由高公差、高尺寸、高碳冷拔钢筋制成。这消除了与断头台钢相关的所有内部应变。此外,它确保板具有优越的抗疲劳和冲击负荷。精准的板材定位,强度更高。它还提高了附件的定位精度。衬套设有定位肩和过盈配合。这有助于精确装配。由于这个,内宽度是控制和轴瓦旋转是防止。增加轴瓦肩长,在内外板中间形成间隙。 It offers consistent lubrication, greater strength and a longer life. It minimizes the likelihood of chain seizure. Bushes are made of case-hardening alloy steel. They go through precision machining from seamless tube. This ensures least distortion and improved concentricity. Optionally available are liner bushes of stainless steel or with Nitride treatment. The rollers are hardened with grinding of the external diameter. This provides high resistance to wear and improves load-handling capacity. It also minimizes sprockets wear and improves visual appeal.