我们的铲斗机是一台铲斗机,适合铲桶和它收集垃圾。它是由钢框架制成的,允许铲斗机被设置在铲斗上。你只需要在两边焊接小钢板。然后手动把它固定在机器上,不需要工具或任何努力。传动是由工业齿轮,没有皮带或链条。它由一个液压发动机移动,允许它向两个方向旋转。我们的铲斗机简单,轻便,实用,耐磨损。唯一必要的维护是齿轮和轴承的润滑,当然还有更换电刷。由钢框架(5mm厚度)和加强轴,支持聚丙烯环刷。或根据清洗需要,将塑料环与波纹钢环混合。 The Agricultural Sweeper has 3 standard widths available: 1800 mm 2100 mm 2400 mm It can be also personalized. Painted cover, with high reflective visibility. If you still have any questions about our Bucket Sweeper, please contact us and we will find the best solution for you. Categories Conveyor Belt Industrial Brushes Industrial Metal Brushes Industrial Cleaning Products Street cleaning Surface Finishes Sweeping machines