所有薄切割溶液的紧凑和多功能机的巨大优势:高精度,高精度和最低kerf: - 厚度为2 mm厚的层 - 最大切割精度至±0.15 mm -mm -mm -minimal kerf,从1.3 mm的切割厚度 -切割干燥和湿木或替代材料的理想选择 - 薄层的表面,准备粘合无需进一步的处理步骤 - 友好的用户电子控制 - 两个地毯的可编程速度(0-30 m/min)才能获得最佳削减质量并保护刀片寿命 - 光光传感器开始切割周期和速度变化 - “ flexam”皮带喂食最佳性能-6橡胶惰轮辊可调节的高度,以确保打开/关闭以确保最佳的气动压力the workpiece during feeding and cutting -Oleo-pneumatic tensioning of the blade for better cutting performance -Top and bottom ‘'Chaco” blade-guides which guarantee the best stability blade during cutting -Internal/external lubrication of the blade to remove residues of resins and chips -4 dust extraction to optimize the suction of dust and chips -Cutting height of 400 mm (500 mm optional) -Cutting width up to 400 mm -High quality powerful motor kW 15 (HP 20) -Ethernet connection for on line service -Carbide or stellite blades for best cutting performance -Easy maintenance