重量轻的传动轴由碳纤维增强塑料制成。用于高能效的电力传输,同时允许提高被驱动机器的速度。与达姆施塔特技术大学和主要船级社合作开发。强度和稳定性与钢相当,但重量显著减少。可与多种柔性联轴器和连接元件组合,以最佳适应扭转情况。非常耐用和噪音阻尼。热膨胀低,无疲劳,耐腐蚀。可任意长度,每节可达10米。进一步的处理,维护和成本效益的省略额外的组件,如轴承和基础。为什么要依赖CENTA碳纤维技术? Proven results, longer life and higher quality Long Span Almost any length is possible by combining sections that can be at 12m each. Adaptable Accurate torque limitation prevents costly downtime Highly Engineered Design The CENTA Carbon has been developed to satisfy the most demanding applications for boat and ship propulsions. Lightweight Up to 70% of weight saving compared to conventional steel shafts. Supporting bearings and pedestals can be omitted, resulting in real cost savings.