高精度扭矩测量,可用于高达1000纳米的动态测量。精度高。高速度。内置的速度测量。驱动电机的扭矩测量。多功能性。描述4502型……扭矩传感器根据应变计原理工作,并提供±0…5v,无触点传输。也可集成旋转角度/速度测量。 Smart (integral measuring electronics) Interference resistance due to active torque output (±5 VDC), electrically isolated from supply and measuring signal Non-contact signal transfer Unipolar supply Highly responsive to dynamic peaks Maintenance-free Standardized mechanical connections: 1/4" hex socket DIN3126 Square socket (size depending on measuring range) Cylindrical shaft ends Extremely compact Suitable for pulse tool operation Optional rotational angle measurement