Rollgliss™Rescumatic®提供安全,自动控制的落地架,塔,建筑物或其他高度。该系统以每秒1米(3英尺)的受控速率垂直降低濒危人员。此外,该单元自动调整为用户体重。Rescumatic®包括辫状覆盖的钢电缆,安全带配合到每个端部。电缆通过控制单元中的滑轮,激活齿轮制动系统。控制单元可以被螺栓固定到位,或者可选地,由CARABINER附接到用于半永久性安装的吊环螺栓。Rescumatic®也非常容易操作。不需要电源或特殊技能。一旦该单元固定到锚固件上,绳索就可以掉到地上。用户现在可以在支撑线上滑动,卸下边缘并降低到安全性。 As the first person is being lowered, a second harness is travelling up ready to be used by the next person. Emergency rescue and evacuation from a wide variety of elevated work areas Offers a fast and reliable rescue solution that requires minimal training for added safety. Fully automatic controlled descent Enables fast, safe and effective descent at 3 ft. (0.9 m) per second with no manipulation required by the user for complete ease of use.