IMC伺服-机械驱动器结合了伺服电机的灵活性和凸轮驱动指标驱动器的准确性和可靠性。他们可以是理想的拨号盘,传送带,或联动应用。Flex-i-Dex驱动器是一个专用的伺服机械包完整的伺服电机和放大器理想的轻负荷应用或短,快速运动。恒定引线凸轮驱动器是标准的RDM或重型e系列驱动器与恒定引线(恒定比)凸轮。提供或没有减速器和伺服电机包,他们提供了一个大的安装表面,轴承支持和通孔。供应您自己的伺服包或使用我们的。伺服-机械驱动是一种零间隙,高效率,长寿命,低维护精度的旋转执行机构。执行机构包括一个IMC分度器与一个恒定比凸轮和一个伺服电机。二级减速机可用于需要非常慢的运动,额外的机械优势或电机惯性匹配的应用。伺服-机械驱动特点:大输出法兰和轴承与公制或英制螺纹孔紧固负载。 Large Center Hole for a stationary center post or to run air, hydraulic or electric lines. Output shaft with precision cam followers meshes with a hardened and ground cam. The cam is made with a fixed ratio from 2:1 to 24:1. Low ratios are recommended for large angular movements while high ratios are used for small, fast movements. Zero Backlash is produced by preloading the cam followers against the cam surface. High Efficiency due to cam followers rolling (not sliding) on the cam while submerged in oil.