PyrocoEple是一个简单的低成本的非接触式红外温度传感器。4-20 mA,型型热电偶,型型热电偶或0-50 MV输出。该传感器适用于在工业应用中测量-20°C至500℃的非反射式非金属材料的温度。如果通过涂装或涂层使其非反射,它也可以测量金属表面。PyrocoUple传感器非常适合测量无法访问或移动物体。它允许卫生温度测量而不是使用接触探针,并且具有快速响应时间(小于四分之一)。规格:•温度范围为-20°C至500°C•4-20 mA环路电源输出测量温度(双线型号)•型型或k热电偶输出,或0-50 mV输出(四线型号)•电源回路的额外4-20 mA输出用于内部传感器体温(四线型号)•测量大型或小型目标的聚焦或发散光学器件的选择•固定发射率为0.95•准确率±1°C或1%更大•重复性±0.5°C或0.5%特点:•简单且低成本。PyroCouple无需配置。 It measures non-reflective non-metal surfaces out of the box. • High quality. The sensor is made of 316 stainless steel, has precision germanium optics, and is sealed to IP65. • Measures at any distance (a larger area is measured at longer distances) PyroCouple sensors are compatible with almost any indicator, controller, recorder or data-logging instrument. Contact Calex for sales, technical help, or to be put in touch with a distributor in your region.