AZLM轴电缆,XPZ类型、阻燃护套电缆从2到24双,镀锡铜导体直径在0.9和1.4毫米。固体聚乙烯绝缘。玻璃纤维胶带与啮齿动物保护和“防潮层鞘LSZH阻燃材料。这些电缆是特定于AzLM轴柜台系统携带ISDN信号从设备和王牌。Signaling 电缆 Flame 阻燃 耐 Low 烟雾 排放 UV Rodent Zero 卤素 ROHS 兼容 SPECIFICATIONS Constructive: NR/L2/SIG/30060 Complementary: BS EN 60332 - 1 CONSTRUCTION Conductors: Tinned 退火 copper, 直径 0.9 和 1.4 mm. Insulation: Solid HDPE. Cabling elements: Pairs. Lay-up.24对层。颜色代码根据NR / L2 /团体/ 30060。 Core wrapping. Longitudinal dielectric tape with overlap. Rodent protection: Woven fibreglass tape. Screen. Copolymer coated aluminium tape longitudinally applied with overlap. Sheath: Black halogen free UV resistant and flame retardant thermoplastic. Sheath marking: The outer sheath shall be marked at regular intervals with the following information: o Name of Manufacturer / year / Length markings o Other type of markings is also possible according to the customer.