在航空航天制造业,金属正与先进的塑料和复合材料结合,以满足严格的性能要求。IsoMet高速精密刀具是一种台式精密锯,提供高效和精确的切割与直观的控制。创新的机器和台钳设计使安装快速和简单。使用精密激光,无刀调整和三轴刀片运动,快速对齐切割。高精度和研磨性的切割样品现在制作得更快,而不影响切割质量。这种锯是理想的质量控制需要完美的样品在大容量测试精度和准确性。在这些生产现场,每天需要运行数百个样品而不影响质量。精确切片减少切缝损失,当标本必须在精确的位置切片时,它足够精确,并且对于易碎或易碎的标本来说,它足够精细。表面光洁度也优于其他切割方法。节省时间是另一个需要考虑的因素。 Buehler has designed the IsoMet High Speed precision cutter with an intuitive interface, programming multiple cuts at once, quick sample adjustment with laser, and precision down to 2 microns cut alighnment to minimize damage to the sample and maximize the flawless surface area available for analysis. The IsoMet High Speed Pro version has a variety of programmable capabilities. The simple user interface keeps the most important and frequently used features within one touch from the home screen.