材料我们的避难所型通风单元的外壳由天然阳极氧化铝型材制成。截面面板厚度为50毫米,外墙由1,00毫米预先预涂镀锌钢板和内壁制成0.80毫米镀锌钢板。用70 kg /m³灰度用作油料的摇滚池。根据客户需求,内墙可以涂有1,20毫米的铅板,以避免X射线的有害影响。部分具有极其刚性和防漏结构。静态和动态平衡,安静,高效的双口离心式风扇。电动机具有380V-50 Hz值作为标准。庇护式通风装置的设计允许以两种不同的方式运行,如;当外部空气随着辐射,生物学或化学粉尘和微粒污染时,空气将通过G4面板过滤器,F7袋式过滤器,核型H13 HEPA过滤器,铅分子和活性炭过滤器,在正常情况下,空气只能通过G4面板过滤器。 Shelter type ventilation unit’s both emergency and usual time dampers have spring return and on/off actuators. To operate the device in demanded mode, related damper opens and the other switches to off position.In this way, special filters will not be used in usual times. To keep 50 Pa positive pressure in shelter, exhaust aspirator should have frequency inverter which is controlled by the pressure sensors inside the shelter. USAGE The design of shelter ventilation must provide air in accordance to minimum living conditions of people benefiting from shelter as long as their stay.