模块化冷却模具应用于哪个目的?Brabender模块化冷却模具是专门设计用于在实验室秤上高水分质地的。食品挤出机内部的热机械处理使您可以将蔬菜蛋白纹理成块,薄片,掘金,谷物和条。为什么这很重要?天然蔬菜蛋白通常具有一个球状结构,必须变性以改变其物理化学特性。挤出机内部的应力导致蛋白质的变性,可以描述为天然结构的展开。在随后的模具部分中,实现了未折叠蛋白的最终结构修饰。长冷却部分允许冷却煮熟的蛋白质和方向剪切,以构建层状结构。各向异性层形成类似肉的质地和咬人的质地。有什么好处? - Creation of larger products such as chunks and meatless steaks or cutlets possible - Full temperature and pressure control inside the die through six top openings for i.e. thermo couples and pressure transducers - Greater flexibility in heights and width of extruded products due to exchangeable die parts - Independent cooling process through separate cooling thermostat. - No interdependence to the extruder temperature - Three cooling zones along the die for independent cooling - Universal adaptation to further lab-scale extruders possible