Modulo 6是Bongioanni进行的高科技计划的开发,其目的是制造能够生产出无需浪费的优化锯产品。必威体育app官方下载Modulo 6将EDGER工作与多RIP SAW工作结合在一起。修剪的产品被两个相反但独必威体育app官方下载立的碎罐头粉碎。圆形叶片切割了不同尺寸的锯叶产品。必威体育app官方下载激光传感器检测到要切割的板的轮廓,该系统建议为每个板上一个优化的切割方案。技术功能Modulo 6由两个对立和独立的切割头组成。每个切割头都带有一个炸罐。在每个罐头的中间,都有两个望远镜独立的叶片旋转器。一个刀片可以安装在外主轴上;几个圆形刀片可以安装在内轴上。 Spindles positioning is controlled by brushless motors. The machine is controlled by optimization software with different priority levels. Performance benefits - Waste removal (chips) - Possibility to make multiple automatic cuts with different priority levels according to board type. - Possibility to couple the MODULO working unit with log band saw headrig and carriage. - High productivity