顶级升降机是轻质和经济的Böcker家具升降机。与此同时,电梯特别令人印象深刻,通过快速运输和简单的设置。轻质铝导轨快速拧紧,由于极低的枯竭,整个施工都可以定位而没有任何问题。驱动单元方便地从前面钩住。寿命低,自动锁定另外提高方便。Böcker顶升有三个不同的驱动单元,每个升降能力为250千克。200 M1型号达到升降速度为34米/分钟,而顶升200m2可以在20或40米/分钟内操作。顶部模型,顶升236 mV,另外令人印象深刻的方便。由于家具升降机的变速控制,托架可以连续加速至36米/分钟的最大速度。除了手持电缆控制的操作旁边,236 MV还配备有头部件的控制面板,用于从顶端操作。 Beside the basic model including a base rail of 2 metres, all Top-Lift models are also available as a complete package. Equipped with six extension rails in total, these models have a maximum lifting height of 13.30 m and additionally impress by a comprehensive standard equipment. The basic model as well as the complete package can be equipped with further extension rails up to a total lifting height of 20 metres. Solid furniture platforms The Top-Lift has a solid furniture platform as standard feature. Folding the side panels results in a large and plane transport platform that lifts even bulky objects without any problem.