大气碳碳碳碳是一种壳体硬化过程,将碳引入固体黑色合金中。这是通过将金属加热在碳质气氛中以上转换温度的预先确定的时间来实现。在渗碳后,淬火零件以硬化表面碳碳层。核心仍未受到影响。它是一种广泛使用的低碳钢表面硬化过程。碳碳的工业重要性在其市场份额中表达,因为所有硬化热处理的三分之一都被碳化和硬化覆盖。贵重碳碳和淬火产生耐磨的硬表面。此外,由于核心的核心,避免了从冲击载荷失败。与情况外硬化过程不同,该过程通常用于深壳深度。应用和材料典型应用包括用于汽车,风力涡轮机和泵组件的传动齿轮和轴,以及在长期运行部件的所有应用以及在高冲击载荷下操作的所有应用。 A wide variety of steels can be carburised. The unique combination of a hard wear resistant surface and a tough core can be controlled by the choice of alloy elements and process parameters. Process details Carburising is a thermochemical diffusion process which adds carbon to the surface of a low carbon steel (typically 0.25% carbon) with other alloying elements. The carbon diffusion depth and the related effective case hardening depth (ECD) can vary from shallow, often less than 2mm, to deeper depths of 4 to 6mm. The total process is applied in three phases: