Reelsplitter是开发用于切割缺陷或剩余的纸卷卷轴。将材料切成碎片或打捆机的小块。这些机器的特点是它们简单,经过验证的施工,操作和控制。重新选择性对纸卷轴仅有很有用。蟒蛇还可以为其他类型的材料(如铝卷轴或橡皮或塑料)调制机器。提供不同的运输系统,如板式输送机,橡胶带式输送机和步行地板。安全操作本机还提供交换机,直接的开关系统和紧急停止,导致切割器立即停止。切割机也受到保护,在这种情况下,它会自动上移动。可选机器可以配备光幕应急电路,当人们进入操作区域时自动关闭机器。HRSM功能描述刀具高度可通过端部开关在其最高和最低位置固定。 The cutter is also protected by means of a hydraulic pressure circuit. The cutter is driven by two specially constructed cylinders with synchronized movement. The cylinders are fitted with two guide shafts for better distribution of the powers over the cylinder. Cutting is controlled by an optical switch, so that manual setting of the core diameter is not necessary. The HRSM can be equipped with a deposit table, a lifting device and a conveyor system. The conveyors can transport material in both directions, so that the paper can be cut into small pieces.