ARTUBE:没有人能给您提供用于设计和编程管状零件的3D CAD/CAM图形软件的不同之处。所有3D图形CAD/CAM专用于管状零件加工。您对世界更加开放,只需点击一下即可导入使用外部CAD系统创建的3D模型。处理所有格式:STEP, IGES, XT,甚至IFC。使用其他cad创建并导入ARTUBE的部件模型被转换为本地模型。您还可以编辑,添加或删除功能从导入的图纸,改变管的大小或形状,调整半径或厚度,而无需打开原始图纸文件或从未退出ARTUBE。超级!画出结构的轮廓(线框),然后分配管的尺寸。这是简单的创建程序,你需要使您的管框架和底盘设计。通过ARTUBE对节点和交叉口进行求解。您甚至可以通过插入许多可用的联锁关节解决方案之一来改进结果。钩和槽新的“齿”式接头-参数化和兼容所有形状的管-甚至更容易连接两管。 Improves coupling rigidity, maintains accurate joint position, and simplifies weld fixturing. Choose which tubes to connect and let the system suggest an optimal solution, that you can customise later. Save time, eliminate fixturing, gain efficiency! Bending-Cut: genius! Doing lots of test cuts and adjustments are thing of the past. Just enter the features of the tube in the CAD and obtain the right bending-cut. Your frame will be simpler and part alignment will be more accurate.