重型商用肉绞肉机FW N32 / 98适用于商业肉类生产环境的理想选择FW-N 32/98重型商用肉碎肉碎石,煮熟或熏制肉类。甚至是大理石肉 - 以热或冷的形式 - 培根,内脏,外皮和蔬菜可以剁碎。对我们来说,剁碎意味着换肉或控制肉类而不是挤压它。FW-N 32/98重型商用肉绞肉机产生松散和蓬松的体积。由于增加的富含氧气,混合物保持其红颜色。食品加工设施将实现完美的结果,机器可以快速有效地清洗。Mincer FW N22 / 82紧凑型商用肉绞肉机销售柜台和制备面积尿素FW N22 / 82商用肉绞肉机,碎原料,煮熟或烟熏。甚至是大理石肉 - 以热或冷的形式 - 培根,内脏,外皮和蔬菜可以剁碎。食品加工设施将实现完美的结果,机器可以快速有效地清洗。这个重型肉绞肉机是全球屠户中的最爱之一。 The robust and easy clean design are not the only benefits to this fantastic piece of machinery. The Bizerba commercial meat mincers incorporate unique technology with a gentle cutting process due to the unique worm solution. Gently mincing the meat as oppose to forcing and and stretching the product. This is how you get the perfect mince every time.