UNO S V是针对垂直和倾斜表面清洁的特殊要求而开发的。它的粘度有利于在工件上使用,而传统的清洁剂只会流出。UNO S V形成一种凝胶状薄膜,附着在表面,从而促进最佳曝光时间。作为一种碱性密集型清洁剂,该产品可以轻松去除植物和矿物油和油脂,蛋白质残留物,释放剂,烟雾残留物和蜡,新鲜油漆残留物和着色油墨。该清洁剂可用于最不同的表面材料,如金属、木材、塑料和陶瓷,因为它以非侵略性的方式清洁。避免未稀释的应用于铝或锌表面-稀释1:30至1:40通常可以使用而没有不良影响。建议在不太显眼的地方检查材料的兼容性。该清洁剂非常环保,符合欧盟指令,可生物降解,不易燃,不含磷酸盐和NTA(硝酸三乙酸)。它还具有NSF注册(注册号为。: 142391,猫。代号:A1),可作为食品行业通用清洁剂使用。 The product is also suited for HAZMAT reduction in the company: It is just labelled with an exclamation mark (GHS07) and is also no hazardous substance with regard to transport and storage. The VOC share is only 5%, making the product VOC-reduced and hence suited for reducing solvents and CHC (chlorinated hydrocarbons) in the company. The characteristics at a glance Water-based alkaline universal cleaner Free from phosphates and solvent-reduced Water-miscible up to 1:40