FT 200适用于强力清洗脱脂。清洗剂能去除光蜡或机加工油等可能影响清漆与表面附着力的污染物。替代溶剂、纤维素稀释剂和冷清洁剂快干(比传统的水基清洁剂蒸发快)随时使用CLP规例FT 200所规定的无标签可作为溶剂、纤维素稀释剂和冷清洁剂的替代品。所含的缓蚀剂提供暂时的腐蚀保护。此外,它比传统的水基清洁剂蒸发得更快。表面被强力清洁,几乎没有残留物。不仅可以从滚子轴承上去除油和蜡,还可以去除磨屑。减少清洁剂是安全的,因为它减少了挥发性有机化合物,不需要根据CLP法规进行标签。所含表面活性剂符合《洗涤剂条例》关于生物降解性的规定。与它的无磷配方,它也是环境兼容。 Cleaning and degreasing prior to varnishing Removal of machining oils, anti-corrosion oils, light waxes and swarf from roller bearings Virtually residue-free, powerful cleaning Phosphate-free VOC-reduced Field of application Can be used in industrial companies and paint shops Can be used in maintenance Manufacturing and processing areas Can be used in CNC metal processing Cleaning and degreasing prior to varnishing Removal of machining oils, anti-corrosion oils, light waxes and swarf from roller bearings