AIRGO®2.0与8英尺。(2.4米)直径和360度角度调整能力,AirGo®2.0是我们最大的,最通用的垂直地板风扇。其紧凑的设计和耐用的结构使其成为最恶劣环境下理想的空气运动解决方案。添加可选的所有地形包和AirGo成为最终的户外派对动物。全地形的超大轮胎,更宽的底座和四轮转向提供了更多的机动性。需要小一点的吗?看看AirGo 2.0较小的双胞胎,黑杰克。易于锁定系统具有16个可选位置,允许一个完整的360度角的调整——Pull-and-insert机制使风扇笼锁位置-重型锁旋转脚轮独立运作的耐用性和流动性——节能直接传动电机通过一个直观的速度提供了无限的调整风扇速度控制旋钮,超大的,泡沫填充轮胎帮助AirGo 2.0所有地形轻松地在户外移动,没有恼人的平坦威胁或需要监测空气压力。 Four-wheel steering provides a smaller turning radius, improved cornering performance and steering response for effortless, one-person maneuverability. Standard white paint means AirGo 2.0 will always be dressed to impress at any event. COLOR CUSTOMIZATION We like to think every one of our fans is an eye-catching centerpiece. But if you’d like your AirGo to be something other than the standard silver and yellow, upgrade with any of our 8 classic colors, or specify one of your own. We can paint your fan any color in, over and beyond the rainbow.