概述HXGN-12和HXGW-12金属封闭式开关设备适用于10kV,50Hz三相AC分配系统。它可以控制开关站中的分支线,广泛用于环网,终端和箱式变电站的电源。开关箱分为母线盒和开关盒。组装的开关设备盒非常稳定。说明特点HXGN-12和HXGW-12金属封闭式开关设备适用于10kV,50Hz三相AC分配系统。它可以控制开关站中的分支线,广泛用于环网,终端和箱式变电站的电源。开关箱分为母线盒和开关盒。组装的开关设备盒非常稳定。HXGN-12固定式金属封闭式开关设备具有特殊的阀门结构,因此IP额定值非常理想。在打开负载开关后,阀门将自动隔离触点,将进入的线路分离,从开关盒中分离母线盒。 Thus the maintenance and overhaul operations will be very safe. The device can be extended conveniently to form a ring network power supply unit and systems in other connecting methods. The three phases are fixed in a line, the switchgear box is small so it needs very small area for installation. High pressure gas injecting method is adopted for the arc quenching, and the breaking performance is stable and reliable. The operating mechanism of the HXGN-12 metal- enclosed switchgear comes in manual type or motor-driven type. The mechanical interlocking is very advanced and reliable, and has a high IP rating.