公司开发了具有自主知识产权的ZXF组合式动态分级机系列产品。ZXF系列动态分级机广泛应用于发电、机械、水泥、冶金等行业。目前已生产并在国内外市场上使用了1000多套。一次风携带煤粉,在静叶区预先分类。静叶将粉末气流由两相流转变为切向流。预分级后,两相粉气流进入旋转转子叶片分级区进行第二次分级。静叶区与动叶区之间形成离心力场。混合空气和煤粉沿切向流向动叶。在旋转过程中,转子叶片产生离心加速,它根据转子的转速而变化。转速越低,离心加速速度越慢,反之亦然。 When the centrifugal force on the coal powder triumphs the gravitational force from the air flow, the powder will be classified. The adjustable range of classifier is wide, and the operation performance curve tend to be linearized. The fineness is between R90=3% and R90=35%, which satisfies coal fineness 90=3%-8% in cement industries, as well as coal powder fineness R90=10% in power plants under circumstances of using fault coal. It also improves coal powder evenness.