我。性能和用途:密封组件由聚氨酯密封圈和扇形支座组成。主要用于水压试验机对钢管进行压力试验。在非工作状态下,密封圈与钢管表面之间存在间隙。当液压液作用于密封圈的外部时,将密封圈压紧,牢固地包裹住钢管表面,然后进行压力测试。适用于套管、油管、天然气管及其它钢管的耐压试验。还用于高压阀门的钢管、接头、焊接接头和密封的检漏。2材质:参照GB/T3672.1-2002公差。聚氨酯三世。工作条件:符合API 5CT/ISO11960:2004、GB/T9711.1-1997、GB/T9711.2-1999等标准。 Such as oil well casing or tubing in the oil and natural gas industry. GB8163 - 87 seamless steel tubes; GB/T3092-93 welded steel pipes, and other standard hydraulic testing conditions. Working medium: water, emulsion, hydraulic oil; Working temperature: -20 to +80℃; Working pressure: ≤ 120 MPa IV.Design standards: Refer to GB/T3672.1-2002 tolerance.water, emulsion, hydraulic oil III.Material: Polyurethane IV.Design standards: Refer to GB/T3672.1-2002 tolerance. V.Sample for ordering sign: Marked the type, size and order No. of the sealing components, Order No. only is also permitted. TypeOrder No. Example:D168.3-40D241