GPRS 3G LTE Cat。DinBox RTU M4是一款低成本的微型RTU,内置宽范围交流电源。电源配备了超级电容备份,以确保即使在市电断开后,也能提供所需的能量与SCADA系统通信。由于内置Sierra Wireless通信模块,直接广域网通信成为可能。一切都由强大的Cortex M4微控制器管理。最后,RTU是建立在一个DIN轨道安装外壳。DinBox RTU M4采用IEC 60870-5-104作为从端与SCADA系统(主)通信。可以实现其他协议。DinBox有8个有源数字输入,可以在检测到变化时发送事件。此外,它有2个数字输出,可以通过SCADA命令控制,和2个模拟输入来监控。 Thanks to the modbus master implementation and the modbus-to-IEC104 mapping the DinBox RTU M4 can be used as a gateway to connect other modbus slave IEDs. Authentication, integrity and security are provided per application or service running on the RTU by protecting the transport layer of the protocol stack with TLS (Transport Layer Security). Highlights GPRS/LTECat.M1 Communication IEC 60870-5-104/Modbus mapping Backend Services (Q1 2019): FoTa / Commissioning / Security / Remote parametrization... I/O Ethernet Routing TLS Security Supercap ‘Last gasp’ Applications: Substation IP communication with SCADA systems or central dispatch IEC-60870-5-104 protocol between substation and control station SCADA installations in industries such as power and distribution, water and gas applications, oil and gas production