BM5 ARM是顶级刻度,具有新的特征和功能和大胆的图像。BM5 ARM在硬件上无与伦比,在软件方面不可避免,在设计方面无与伦比,是获胜业务的最佳规模。BM5 ARM提出的一些创新:扫描仪(可选)滑动印刷机构数字级气泡主板主板主板带有双核心处理器板带有靠背BM5 ARM的板,可提供双主体和悬架版本。特征:15 TFT触摸屏投影电容技术。第二监视器10.1。主板Marques I.MX6 2X1GHZ(双Cortextm-A9 mpcoretm)。数字水平泡沫。3个USB端口。1 RS232端口1以太网端口(10/100Mbps)。Flash Disk 8GB Emmc。 Memory Ram 1GB DDR3-1333. Sliding Printing Mechanism. Possibility of using 3 types of paper in the resident printer: continuous paper, self-adhesive paper and labels. Connection to cash drawer. Intuitive and user-friendly graphic interface. Body in stainless steel construction. Plate dimensions: 375x275mm. Software ETPOS 5 Light ARM Technology The new BM5 is based on the latest ARM technology, with a Marques motherboard equipped with Dual Core processor, which guarantees high performance, speed and robustness. Dual Screen Another strength of this scale is its double screen. For the user, a 15" Projected Capacitive Technology TFT LCD and on the other side a screen intended for communication with the customer.