理想用途对环境敏感的液体和蒸汽密封。河流、湖泊、海湾和城市地区附近的遏制措施。受益内置的二次密封,最大限度地保护环境。大型顶部防蒸汽舱口,方便访问。固定轴:420桶(17,640加仑);T-Style: 425 BBL (17,850 gal)高度T-Style: 11 ' 8";固定轴:10’3”注:屋顶甲板上的突出部分包括喷嘴,人道,P/V阀和扶手。宽度:8 ' 0"长度t型:37 ' 6";固定轴:46 ' 4"重量t型:29500磅;安全阀:压力:16盎司/in2; Manifold Tanks are manifold-capable Interior Lining: Chemical resistant coating Clean out Flat bottom on T-style tanks: Round bottom on Fixed Axle style Access : Stairway and top access hatches or manways. Material of Construction: 1/4" ASTM A36 carbon steel Quality/Safety Features: QMS inspections on a scheduled basis. Staircase, guardrails around top deck, and pressure/vacuum valve.