描述厌倦了您的耗尽手动弯曲?这种液压旋转弯曲弯曲部将增加您的生产率。几乎在任何地方都需要只需110伏,单相电源即可轻松插入。处理最大容量为2.5“OD管,2”OD Chromalloy,2“方向管和2”时间表40管道。最大中心线8“,取决于材料的OD。弯曲高达200°,允许真正的180°弯曲,而无需重新引脚。只需要4个完整的推动,达到180°。内置的防弹簧背部机制让液压缸缩回而不会在弯道中失去其位置。由1年零件保修涵盖。来自我们知识渊博的团队的终身技术支持。 Use this draw bender machine for: Economical one-off bending of hand railing and automobile chassis. Why choose the RDB-125 over comparable machines? Low-pressure industrial-grade hydraulics make bending quick, quiet, and safe, even at full capacity. Quick-release counter die positioner makes loading and unloading material more time-efficient. Accepts user-friendly drop-on tool sets from Baileigh to increase the options for your applications. You can call in for support and advice on projects from our seasoned representatives throughout the machine’s many years of productivity.