绞车类型RW 1500是理想的拉动直列软管流入下水道。由于其紧凑性,它可以作为大多数类型的车间面包车装备的一部分。它可以很容易地在其脚轮下水道坑移动。对于直拉过污水坑,这四个道具被拉出并固定。甲汽油发动机驱动液压齿轮和0和最大控制提拉速度之间的手轮。5米/分钟。绳索自动堆叠到鼓上。为支付,滚筒从驱动器分离。根据要求,绞车将与电动马达在封闭的房间交付使用。绞车将与8mm直径的钢丝绳为200μm递送15 kN的最大拉力。 Upon request a rope of max. 250 m will be furnished. Manhole tensioning pulley There is hardly ever space enough between the tube exit and the deflection pulley when cleaning appliances or cameras are pulled through. Using the Bagela tensioning pulley the space of the shole cross section of the manhole may be used. The deflection pulley is set against the manhole wall and tightened with two threaded spindles. Due to the inclined position of the spindles the pulley is increasingly pressed against the manhole wall with increasing pulling force. The groove and size of the pulley allow it to be used also for camera cable. The rope or cable is held on the pulley by means of three pins.