FTC生态的Flex电动Pinboner是occational使用手持式pinbone卸妆。与速度控制和独特的机械采摘作用,这轻轻地从主要鱼类的新鲜/解冻,烟熏鱼片删除pinbones鼓。Customer Benefits: • No need of Air compressor • Affortable price • The pin wheel (drum) can be rotated both clockwise and counter-clockwise • Can process some fish species (e.g. Cod) which automatic pin bone remover cannot process Technical Data: Fish species: Salmon, Trout, Lake Whitefish, Cod, Hake, Haddock etc. Throughput rate: up 6 fillets/min (depending on size/condition of the fish) for whole pinboning FTC Eco-Flex Electric Pinboner has been developed to remove pin bones in fresh/defrosted/cold smoked fillets. FTC introduces the patented modular Electric Pinboner with speed and pulling power control and a unique mechanical picking action which gently removes pin bones from nearly all fresh, defrosted and cold smoked fillets. Plug-in style flex shaft is convenient and very easy to use. It is ideal for use in Restaurant kitchens, Fishmongers, or in Fresh Fish sections within Supermarkets and Department Stores, giving excellent results with best possible yields. FTC experience and know how In 1986 FTC initiated the original concept of automatic pin bone removal. Since this time we have continued the development of our equipment in close cooperation with the global seafood market. Our understanding of the products and industry challenges are unrivalled and for this reason Trio FTC are market leaders in the field of pin boning technology