从标准应用到最高性能类,最佳缩放的X20系统CPU线满足广泛的需求。它可以在任何地方实现,从标准应用到最苛刻的应用程序,具有最高的性能要求。它甚至可以掌握100μs的周期时间。在B&R,RS232,以太网和USB已经是标准设备。因此,无需额外成本,因此可以提供网络能力和连接USB设备。此外,每个CPU都具有用于实时通信的PowerLink连接。直接连接轴的可能性已经集成在一起。虽然CPU的标准功能可以处理大多数应用程序,但还有最多三个多功能插槽,用于附加接口模块。因为X20 CPU被设计用于控制柜中的安装导轨安装,所以高达250 x20 I / O模块 - 3000通道 - 可以直接连接。这提供了最高的性能以及遥控器的优点。 A power supply integrated in the CPU with I/O supply terminals provides power for the backplane and I/O sensors and actuators, eliminating the need for additional system components. With a direct I/O connection to an X20 CPU, you get all the advantages of the remote backplane, i.e. the ability to repeatedly place I/O line sections anywhere within 100 m using a cable or to add modules with IP67 protection. extremely compact, surprisingly powerful With a width of 37.5 mm the X20 Compact CPUs are extremely compact, yet surprisingly powerful. Less powerful than the PC-based CPUs, there are several models of Compact CPUs available in 2 performance classes.