FDC-用于平面显示器的平面电缆组件设计用于板显示互连,FDC-平面显示器连接包括标准的ffc -平面柔性电缆和连接器,如DF-9, DF-19, FI-SE, FI-X在一端或两端。可在0.50 mm, 1.00 mm和1.25 mm间距,fdc扁电缆组件是现成的插头灵活连接。它们是专门为小型展览而设计的。Axon ' Cable已经开发了两个系列的扁平电缆组件,符合LVDS协议和V-By-One®HS高清显示器和3d显示器。节省空间:低外形,窄宽度设计。可靠的连接。良好的弹性寿命和灵活性。Ready-to-plug连接。可折叠,便于集成安装。FFC长度要求,但标准化长度提供更快的服务。 Simple locking mechanism (DF-9). Shielded connectors (DF19, FI-X). Flat flexible cables: 0.50, 1.00 and 1.25 mm pitch. Connectors: Hirose DF-9, DF-19 JAE FI. Terminated with FI-X connectors at one or both ends. Interconnection of board to flat panel display. VESA, FPDI-1 interface. Interconnection of the motherboard to the large HD television displays (FDC100®). High speed data transmission