世界上的最紧凑的地图桌面托盘封口机!三极管MTS桌面托盘封口机是完美的解决方案包装产品效率和成本效益。必威体育app官方下载独特的气体冲洗过程允许您包在地图(气调保鲜包装)条件下速度比其竞争对手的三倍。这种技术的独特之处在于允许真空托盘没有使用真空泵。生成几个优势;•伟大的演讲和新鲜的产品正在包装。的结构产品在包装过程中不会损坏。•没有爆炸风险,通过密封红米德与氧结合。氧气是需要给红米德红新鲜色彩。当使用真空泵在托盘封口机,超过20%的氧气有爆炸的危险。 To keep the red colour of the mead you need 80% oxygen. • Environmental friendly, no use of oil. • Low energy consumption • Low maintenance cost • Ergonomic, low sound level “Three times faster than its competitors” To sum up; this table top tray sealer offers great opportunities for Take Away, Horeca, Meat & Poultry industry etc. who are distributing delicacies under high quality requirements in trays or cups. • Fast MAP tray sealer with unique gas flush system, 3 times faster than the competitor • No vacuum pump needed which give you the following benefits: • Great presentations and freshness of the product which is being packed. The structure of the product don’t get damaged during the packing process. • No, explosion risk by sealing red mead in combination with oxygen. Oxygen is need to give red mead the red fresh color.