VL锅炉是一种清洁的水平蒸汽发生器。本锅炉采用不锈钢材料,利用污浊的蒸汽、过热水或热流体产生高纯度的蒸汽。它的主要特点如下:该设备全用不锈钢制造,包括其阀门。蒸汽的生产是由不锈钢制成的热交换器完成的。由于它通过100毫米的高密度岩棉层完美的隔热,热损失保持最小。高质量的蒸汽,由于其内部体积大,蒸汽室高度和内部分配器连接到蒸汽出口。蒸汽量是可调可控制的,因此蒸汽生产是连续的,并根据实际需求进行调整。蒸汽加热模型由给水预热器组成,通过冷凝物冷却。其良好的可访问性使维护,以及设备内部和外部检查。ATTSU清洁蒸汽发生器可配备ATTSUTROL控制面板,包括最新控制和通讯,可收集检测记录、警告通知等。 Our wide range of boilers enables us to find you the most appropriate boiler according to your needs. It provides a low heat loss from radiation thanks to the insulation of great thickness as well as front and back door insulation. Thermal insulation is composed by a thick layer of low conductivity and high density material, covered by a stainless steel metallic enclosure. The boiler could be optionally equipped with PLC including different communication protocols such as Modbus, Profibus, etc., enabling boiler integration in any industrial process.