旋转鼓式干燥机MDG&MD&ND压缩空气干燥器200-4000 L / S MDG,MD&ND旋转滚筒式干燥机提供性价比干燥和无油空气。适用于食品和饮料,发电,制药和其他关键过程。节能旋转滚筒干燥器压缩烘干机的硒鼓型热量提供一种节能的方式来生产干燥空气。它是您无油螺钉或离心式压缩机的完美匹配。它使用压缩过程中产生的热量来再生干燥剂。这种热量通常浪费在双塔干燥技术中。我们的旋转式鼓式干燥机完全避免了压缩空气的损失。它们需要最小的功率来实现-40°C / F和下部MD旋转滚筒干燥器的非常低的电力,从200至4000L / s - 露点为-25°C/-13°F ND rotary drum dryer from 300 to 4000 l/s – dew points to -45°C/-49°F A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) dryer version is available to match the lower power consumption oil-free VSD compressors Cut down on energy costs The MDG, MD & ND rotary drum dryers have zero purge by design, eliminating the waste of compressed air associated with twin tower dryers. Low pressure drop too Increased efficiency The ND rotary dryer controller carefully manages the heating power to achieve the requested performance. Smart and efficient heating Smart AIR solution A complete, energy-efficient solution requires an integrated system of air compressors, filters, dryers and controllers. Our range of compressed air products is fully optimized to work together