现代测试环境不能容忍停机时间。主机必须保持持续运行。作为领先的VXI主机制造商,1261B利用了我们多年的经验,以与低端设备竞争的价格提供最大的性能和可靠性。产品信息电源1261B电源具有先进的设计,提供丰富的电源和最小的纹波和噪声。电源插头直接进入背板,为最好的可能的电力交付。高动态电流确保清晰的波形和准确的测量。我们的第四代13槽主机集成了许多独特的技术进步,以提供最冷却和最高的VXI-8曲线的任何通用姿势VXI主机。这确保了您的VXI模块的最低温升,以实现最可靠的系统运行。主机的特点是加压静压系统,以均匀的气流分布从前面到后面和一边到一边。独特的,成型卡引导直接气流通过安装的模块,而不是在它们之间。 Snap-on covers divert airflow away from unused slots. The 1261B features a fault-tolerant cooling system using a rear-pluggable assembly with three fans. If a fan failure should occur, the two remaining fans still deliver a high level of cooling, preserving your VXI module investment. Basic 1261B units include a HI/LO cooling switch to minimize audible noise during system development and maximize the reliability of fielded systems. Units equipped with a system monitor fea- ture a variable speed cooling system that adjusts fan speed based upon the worst slot temperature rise.