ascott循环腐蚀柜 - 全球最复杂和多功能的腐蚀测试系统之一,将盐雾与其他环境条件相结合,如受控的湿度,干燥和润湿。广泛的可选测试设施:广泛的范围可选的测试设施,如制冷和液体浸泡。所有ascott循环腐蚀测试室功能:符合人体工程学负载和卸载的低负载阈值。'Easy Open'气动运行的树冠,安全互锁。干式密封垫圈防止润湿操作员的衣服。在测试后和腔室打开之前,通过新鲜空气吹扫机柜内部的定时遮篷锁定和吹扫。易于耐磨丙烯酸易用的盐雾雾化器,便于维护。外部便携式盐溶液罐,便于清洁。73L对于450L室和1000L室和以上的90L。中央观察窗口,用于畅通的视觉访问室内内部和测试材料。 Base castors and fork integrated lift lift truck runners, for ease of transportation. Choice of canopy colour. Calibration certificate. Consumables spares kit. Intuitive touch-screen, full color user control interface, employing the latest version of our highly intuitive operating software, for ease of programming and use. The operating software has a very large capacity for the creation of complex multi-step test programmes, so that the widest possible range of test profiles can be accommodated. The icon based control interface offers a variety of languages built-in for ease of understanding and use.