结合供热和割炬和17毫米柄设置加热(焊接是不可能的可燃气体丙烷)和削减钢铁存储情况。手柄类比为乙炔的,仅仅是丙烷线程与插头丙烷软管4毫米。吸入或injector-principle和后加热炬工作在很大程度上是受持续适得其反。他们通常运作的氧气压力2、5条,丙烷对0压力,5条。分级和消耗见表。割炬与同轴喷嘴适用于所有切割应用程序最大300毫米。他们工作后,吸入或injector-principle,很大程度上是受持续适得其反。机翼操纵切割氧阀。也包括在交付喷嘴的切割范围3 - 100 mm副导辊,圆导轨和扳手。丙烷的压力大约是0,5条。 Oxygen pressure and consumptions see cutting nozzles and instruction manual. Cutting Torch with Block Nozzle can be used for all cutting applications up to 200 mm. Advantage of block nozzles: flame cone is longer, bigger distance of nozzles mouth to workpiece is reducing to risk of jam, higher cutting speed, gas saving. Cutting oxygen valve by operation with wing or lever. Largely immune from sustained backfire by working with suction-injection principle. The acetylene pressure is about 0,5 bar. Oxygene pressure and consumption see cutting nozzles or instruction manual.