用于用标准过滤器清洁压缩空气的最关键要求的压缩空气处理不足许多应用。对于此类情况,滤波器系统V-M-A可作为单个单元或组合使用,可提供各种过滤器,以满足所有要求,从通过工艺空气进行技术清洁空气工作设备到无用的空气以呼吸。来自V-M-A模块化系统组装的外壳,用于直接法兰安装,尺寸为I和II。两种尺寸的外壳和6种不同尺寸的过滤元件。根据DIN-ISO 228,将螺纹从G¼到G2连接。住房和碗由铝制,涂覆或阳极氧化,防止腐蚀,诱人的外观,易于清洁。差分计。表示过滤器的压降。我们建议当压降超过0.6 bar(红色区域)时更改过滤器元件。对过滤器的服务寿命的全面开发可节省货币替代的停止浪费。可以根据需要安装仪表,可从前或后部(双尺度)读取。 Kit for bracket mounting of single units and combinations available as an accessory. Filter elements. For every size of filter-three different elements of identical dimensions. Fully automatic drain valve. Fitted as standard to pre-filters and micro-filters. Mounted outboard, easily accessible for maintenance. Minimum operating pressure 4 bar. Manually-operated drain valve. Fitted as standard in the form of a drain screw in the case of activated charcoal-filters, since these are not subject to condensation.