把机器功率加倍。EdgeBreaker®3000在去毛刺和边缘圆角方面提供了100%以上的功率,例如通过光纤激光切割后。即使表面上有更强的毛刺和飞溅,去毛刺和边缘圆角单元的工作具有很高的加工可靠性。一切都是有效的处理双面,在一个单一的过程。EdgeBreaker®3000加工冲压和激光切割零件只需一次通过。与使用单方解决方案相比,您可以节省多达50%的时间。EdgeBreaker®3000具有独特的强大功能,因为它具有更多的去毛刺和刃口圆角工具(例如,通过光纤激光切割零件)。研磨介质的快速更换各种加工单元的所有介质都很容易更换,因此降低您的停机时间。机器内的研磨介质可配置。允许最优的边缘处理,以满足您的处理需求。 User-friendly The graphic operator panel is very intuitive. This feature supports you in setting up the machine and gives you guidance on operating and maintenance. Allowing for efficient processing without any errors! Automatic calibration It is key to always know the remaining length of the media. This is crucial to optaining consistent high quality processing results. The EdgeBreaker® measures the remaining length of the media and automatically compensates for the wear.