Aquila Triventek设计的Jetvent管道清洁器采用了创新的新技术。众所周知,竖井有时会断裂,但如果使用一种有好几层的特殊设计的竖井,断裂是很罕见的。这种特殊的设计包括坚固的实心钢内芯和一种特殊的涂层,这种涂层可以吸收振动,同时起到润滑剂的作用。一层多导线提供了足够的灵活性,使易于操作的圆弯,同时提供了稳定和无噪声的操作。最后还有一层由抗静电聚丙烯制成的保护层。所有这一切的结果是一个强大可靠的性能,使强度达到30米内的管道。轴的重量轻,灵活性好,操作者不仅可以清洗水平管道,也可以清洗垂直管道。喷风管清洁刷头的入口孔只有50mm。电刷通过一个特殊的联轴器连接到轴上,可以方便地更换电刷。如果维修不需要特殊工具-维修可以由操作者现场完成。 The cost of shipping brushes to customers where the shipping charges are higher than the value of the brushes has been the reason behind the "build-your-own" brush concept by Triventek. The aluminium brush head has four holes where the brush material can be attached e.g. nylon, polypropylene or steel wires can be used. The material can be cut to any length to fit any size of duct. For rectangular ductwork a combination of hard and soft brush materials are used – the harder material will centre the brush in the duct and the soft material will clean.