铁单位RS-P / RS-L烙铁设计用于自动化环境。RS-P模型用于所有点焊应用,而RS-L用于线焊或滑动焊。这些铁单元可用于所有焊接控制器和焊接机器人作为一个标准组件。这些烙铁由安装在阿波罗机器人和焊锡控制器(EVO, Luna, Terra)上的48V直流电源供电,无论交流输入电压如何,都可以方便地在全球范围内集成。位置可根据焊锡供应位置垂直和水平进行调整;使其更容易复制位置和管理。烙铁装置的运动配有一个标准的机构来夹紧烙铁线头和工件之间的焊丝。将焊丝夹在中间,加热速度快。由于烙铁头是墨盒型的,所以更换时容易快捷,更换后位置不会有偏差。两种类型的选择铁单元可用于焊接两个焊点的幻灯片。 POINT SOLDERING (RS-P) This unit can achieve high speed point soldering. Because of the slim design, it is possible to solder applications with tight accessibility. This unit has both a pre-feed and secondary feed height adjustments. It can precisely set solder feeding position by adjusting the set screw. SLIDE SOLDERING (RS-L) This unit unit is designed for slide soldering. The spring loaded tip assembly will not damage PCB solder mask during slide operation.