智能雾匠在* S-FOG范围内最基本和最简单的模型。*咨询我们的特价折扣!将消毒剂转化为喷雾并通过空气分配。消除99.99%的病原微生物悬浮在空气中或封闭室的表面上。能够在单个周期中消毒高达600m3的房间。适用于没有清洁和消毒服务的公司。适用于雾气,火车,飞机,公共汽车和货运。小巧,轻巧,紧凑,它允许巨大的流动性。由于其易于处理,可以由任何人使用。智能消毒数据测量:396 x 378 x 305mm空体重:7kg耐腐蚀消毒从未如此彻底的扩散器,360º旋转跌落尺寸为5-10微米的次数,在30秒内超过安全消毒倒计时倒计倒计时 time indicator Automatic emergency stop 100% use of disinfectant Impurity filter Deposit of 5l Cost: 8ml of disinfectant per m3 Disinfect up to 600m3 with the touch of a single finger Easy to use Manual always at hand by QR code Countdown and tank level indicator All the power you need Voltage 220-120 VAC 50 / 60HZ Low voltage: 24 VDC Motor power: 1.2 KW Forget about maintenance Easy drainage Tap position: open / closed Drain hose The lighter version of smart disinfection Take it wherever you want Handles on both sides of the machine For rooms up to 600m3