这种技术。配料混合系统,配有快速预混合器,两边无工具,便于维护和清洗。双搅拌槽,轴向运动轴。真空混合罐通过新设计的防锁胶囊从双罐中分离出来。低速压缩螺丝,确保最大的生产能力和最小的面团损坏。根据生产能力选择1 ~ 6杆的吊具;所有动作都是由独立的、变频器动作的驱动单元执行的,由PLC控制。2000 - 2550毫米阳极氧化铝制棒,微铸不锈钢柄-端子(专利)。用链条进行连杆运动的缠绕。干燥单位与三或五水平,与杆运动执行的齿不锈钢板。 Dryer chains for layers transfer equipped with independent motorization and inverter. . Ventilation system separated by sections, for predrying, drying, stabilization, humidification and cooling. . Radiant batteries with flanged and individually interceptable attachments tested at high pressure. . Internal climate controlled with ROTRONIC sensors. . Gradual cooling physically separated from the hot zone. . Casing with highly-efficient insulating panels, capable of being opened in a vertical position by a single operator. . Stripper with movements performed by independent, inverter-action drive units, controlled by a PLC. . Access ladders and protective railings on the roofs of the drying units.