特点©本机采用两台相同型号的主机和两组串联同步器。©单作用、联动、交互均可。两套串联式专用于大尺寸工件加工,效率高。©同步器可用于曲折同步,机械液压同步以及电动液压同步。©本机可配置多种数控控制器进行多轴控制。1.全欧盟流线型设计,焊接机器人及焊接设备整体成型,退火处理消除应力2。采用一体化液压系统,工作更可靠,维护更方便。德国博世力士乐液压系统;设计了机械同步机构和复杂补偿装置,以提高工件精度。4.The stroke and distance of the backgauge is adjusted by the motor and is well adjusted by hand,the adjustment is displayed by A62. 5.Inch, single mode being designed for the machine and reversing and maintain time can be controlled by the time relays. 6.Safe fence and the electric interlocker have been designed for the machine to ensure the operation safety. 7. Lubrication system device, Improve machine wear