定心夹具迷你双夹点双作用,最大。工作压力250巴,分钟。工作压力10巴。设计:具有两个夹紧点的双作用定心夹。来自高级硬化和氮化钢的所有组件。通过夹具体通过油通道供电。应用:用于使用机加工或铸造孔,切口或渗透的定心和夹紧工件。元件直接拧到夹具主体上,用O形圈密封。特点:定心夹具从下方固定;油通过夹具体中的钻孔通道供应。 If the centring clamp is fastened from above and oil supplied through conduits drilled in the fixture body, a connection plate for O-ring connection is needed. If the centring clamp is fastened from above and oil supplied through pipes, a connection plate for pipe connection is needed. Note: The practical combination of 2-point and 3-point elements can avoid over-determined clamping states. Unsuitable for use on lathes. On request: Other sizes available on request.