量身定制解决方案,每台挤出机都是根据客户的要求专门制造的;•具有竞争力的价格;•高度专业化的挤出机为每个应用;•低转速下的高性能;•具有高性能齿轮箱的共透螺杆设计,用于直接生产粉末PVC复合材料,用于挤出型材、板材、箔片、颗粒等产品;必威体育app官方下载•极高的熔体均匀性;•高推力能力也具有相当大的反压力;•适用于高压条件下的熔体在封头,主要特点是在生产小管和型材、波纹管和一般共挤出时的工艺;•维护成本低;AMUT的双螺杆挤出机配备了专为高扭矩和最大工作压力而设计和制造的齿轮箱。 The gears, made of case-hardened and hardened steel, have helical teeth and have been improved with new features such as tooth crowning and involute modify. Thanks to the above mentioned characteristics, high performances, being reliability, long life of the mechanical parts and low noise during operation, have been achieved. Specific softwares of the last generation are used during all the engineering phases and mechanical dimensioning of this fundamental component.