如果你想垂直扩展和利用你的工作空间,穿孔后墙板是理想的解决方案。它的设计使您可以轻松地将其附加到任何可用的工作台,您可以在这里找到:长宽工作台,短宽工作台。Altanis兄弟的工作面板是非常多功能的。它有特殊的入口,可以让你把它挂在任何墙壁上。穿孔背板由钢框架组成,增加了其耐久性和稳定性。你再也不用担心你的工具和设备掉到地上了。在我们的工作小组中,在黑暗或弱光环境下工作变得轻而易举。它的特点是在顶部有一个特殊的位置,你可以挂一盏灯。面板有两种尺寸,1.5米宽和2米宽。选择适合您工作空间的大小。 You can also opt for a combination of work panels if you want to cover a larger wall area. Perforated wall panel (cod 3105) The panel is available in two sizes: 1.5 meters perforated 2 meters perforated At the top of the panel, there is a spot that you can put a lamp The panel has a frame and is reinforced in the back for stability. It can be placed over the workbenches or by its own as it has special inlets to be hanged on the wall Hooks are available.