当你需要干燥压缩空气时,制冷干燥器是很重要的,因为它可以保护压缩空气管道和压缩空气消费者免受腐蚀。制冷干燥器通过冷却空气来去除空气中的湿度,这样水就会凝结成凝结水。ALMiG高性能制冷干燥机是经过数千次尝试和测试的高品质干燥机。ALM-RD系列使用清洁、干燥的空气对所有类型的压缩空气动力应用是极其重要的。压缩空气中的水分或污染物可能导致系统故障。这些并发症会降低生产效率,并影响最终产品的质量。必威体育app官方下载所以不要妥协,选择ALM-RD制冷干燥机系列。优点:—ALM-RD制冷干燥机已经包含预过滤器和后过滤器(最高可达ALM-RD 6220),因此可以在尽可能小的空间内覆盖完整的处理。需要更换的滤波器直接显示在显示器上。-将压降降至最低,可立即节省能源。 - Fast start-up and response times ensure that the required air quality is achieved quickly. - Each dryer is specially designed according to its flow with the right components to ensure the lowest energy consumption. - High-efficiency R134a refrigerant is standard on all models. - A state-of-the-art heat exchanger design offers the highest cost savings in the industry. The refrigerant circuit and insulation of the ALM-RD series ALMiG uses only the environmentally friendly refrigerant gas R134a in the dryers.