锻炼低脚床:解剖形成的Comfit®空气脚床:绒面革皮革,耐磨和透气纺织元件保护:玻璃纤维脚趾盖,反射材料在鞋跟区域鞋底:XT轨道高质量,耐热,防耐湿橡胶运行鞋底鞋底肌底部采用冲动鞋底应用:工业,施工,工艺加:适用于女式尺寸,无金属,ESD,舒适加厚的领饲料:透气,功能衬里径启发 - 工作准备好!户外的。室内的。工作。越野。可靠的保护。没有妥协。在不同的鞋子放弃的地方,我们的XTS Trail模型刚刚入门。XTS TRAIL Outsole结合了适用于工作安全性不可或缺的所有特性,无论内部还是外面,都是在室外区域的最高需求中:滑动和耐磨性,耐热,直至300°C,并处置特殊设计的凸耳 tread with waste flex grooves as well as dewatering properties. Additionally euqipped with ESD, a protection cap made of fiberglass and a FAP®anti-perforation protection, it satisfies high safety demands. The intermediate sole of IMPULSE.FOAM® reacts to each of your steps with an energy impulse and provides maximale damping, outstanding stability and durable comfort.The ULTRATRAIL GREY LOW is made of full-grain leather with abrasion resistant textile applications and is designed in discrete grey with applications in signal coulour yellow. This model is available as in sizes for ladies as for men and in the lady sizes, it is equipped with a special fit and a shoe tree especially adapted to the needs of the female foot.